The WApi api can be used through various protocols, in a synchronous or a asynchronous way.
Http request usage:
The usage mode is synchronous.
The WApi web service can be accessed using that url:
WApi has to be called in POST mode. The body of the request contains the WApi input message (json format).
The body of the response contains the WApi response (json format).
The HTTP status code returned by the WApi is always 200. Responses errors must be extracted from the response message (body of the response)
The request and response messages are based on the same format.
Login request example:
{ "header": { "target": "auth.user.login", "identification": { "account_name": "myaccount" }, "auth": { "login": "", "password": "mypassword" }, "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "a key that can be used to map the response with the request in async mode" }, "body": { "data": null } }
Login response example:
{ "header": { "target": "", "identification": { "account_name": "myaccount" }, "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "a key that can be used to map the response with the request in async mode", "token": "MTU0MDAw:MOB--202545756bd71499f9" }, "body": { ... } } }
So, the response target is the request target + ".info".
The "msg_key" of the response is the same as the request "msg_key".
Globally speaking, the response header is the same as the request header with some adjustments.
The Header format is generic (common to all request / responses).
The Body format is specific to each target - however the error management is generic
(string) - Used to identify the WApi function called
(optional object) - Used to provide the ids of the various objects used by the function call - the listed entries are specific to the target being called.
"identification": { "account_id": 19472, "user_id": 154031, "project_id": 131213 }
(optional object) - Used to provide user authentication
"auth": { "login": "", "password": "mypassword" }
(optional string) - Used to provide the session token (returned by auth.user.login)
(string) - Api version used
(string) - Message key also returned in the message response
(optional object) - used to provide output formatting parameters:
"output_format": { "populate_http_status_code": true }
(optional object) - used to provide special debugging parameters:
"debug": { "indent_output": true }
(optional object) - Used in the request and response WApi messages.
The format is specific to each target.
(optional object) - Only found in response WApi messages.
"error": { "id": 401, "str": "Unauthorized", "debug_msg": "account not found: myaccount", "detail_id": 1022, "detail_str": "invalid_account" }
auth.user.GetSessionToken | Consumes a consumable session token to get a permanent one |
auth.user.Login | Used to login a user and retrieve an access token |
auth.user.Logout | |
activity.event.ClearUnreadCount | Clear the activity unread count |
activity.event.ExportAsCSV | export the list of activity events in a CSV file |
activity.event.ExportAsCSVAsync | export the list of activity events in a CSV file, given through a shared link later |
activity.event.GetList | Get a list of activity events |
activity.event.GetNextList | Ask for the next X results from events |
activity.event.GetNotifications | Get a list of activity events notified for the contexted user |
activity.event.GetUnreadCount | Get unread event count by projects |
activity.event.NewEvent | Used to generate push message |
activity.event.NewEventList | Used to generate push message |
armoured.armoured.GetEncryptionSessionForItem | |
calendar.event.AddComment | Add a comment to a calendar event |
calendar.event.AddExternalAttachment | Attach an external file to a calendar event |
calendar.event.AddExternalAttachmentFromTemplate | Attach an external file to a calendar event, from a template |
calendar.event.AddExternalParticipants | Add external participant for a specific event |
calendar.event.AddSubscriptionLink | Add user to subscription agenda list, it will create token if it not already exist |
calendar.event.AddTag | Add a tag to a Calendar Event |
calendar.event.AddUnifiedSubscriptionLink | Add user to subscription agenda list, it will create token if it not already exist on unified view |
calendar.event.AddWimiAttachment | Attach a wimi file to a calendar event |
calendar.event.ChangeInviteStatus | Change Status of Agenda Event Participant. Accept / Refuse invite to an event |
calendar.event.ConversationArchive | Archive a conversation |
calendar.event.ConversationClearUnseen | Clear unseen count for conversation |
calendar.event.ConversationSetSilent | Set silent for conversation |
calendar.event.CopyEventList | |
calendar.event.Create | Create a calendar event |
calendar.event.DeleteComment | Delete a calendar event comment |
calendar.event.DeleteSubscription | Get calendar subscription link for unified projects |
calendar.event.DeleteSubscriptionUnified | Get calendar subscription link for unified projects |
calendar.event.DownloadAttachment | Download a calendar event attachment |
calendar.event.EditComment | Edit a comment of a calendar event |
calendar.event.GenerateWOGeneralFile | create an external file to a calendar event |
calendar.event.Get | Get the details of a calendar events |
calendar.event.GetAttachmentList | get the list of files attached to a calendar event |
calendar.event.GetComments | Get teh comments of a calendar event |
calendar.event.GetDownloadInviteLink | Download the ics for a specific event |
calendar.event.GetExternalParticipants | Get external participant for a specific event |
calendar.event.GetList | Get a list of events |
calendar.event.GetListUnified | Get a list of events for unified calendars |
calendar.event.GetSubscriptionLink | Get a calendar subscription link |
calendar.event.GetUnifiedSubscriptionLink | Get calendar subscription link for unified projects |
calendar.event.GetUserSubscriptionList | Get calendar subscription link for projects |
calendar.event.GetUserSubscriptionListUnified | Get calendar subscription link for unified calendar |
calendar.event.LinkTag | Link a tag to a calendar event |
calendar.event.PreviewAttachment | Request attachment preview |
calendar.event.Remove | Delete a calendar event |
calendar.event.RemoveExternalAttachment | remove an external attachment from the calendar |
calendar.event.RemoveExternalParticipants | Remove external participant for a specific event |
calendar.event.RemoveRecurrenceOccurrence | Delete a recurrence occurrence |
calendar.event.RemoveTag | Remove a tag in a task |
calendar.event.RemoveWimiAttachment | remove a wimi attachment from the calendar |
calendar.event.ToggleCommentReaction | Toggle a reaction to a comment |
calendar.event.Update | Update a calendar event - only the provided data are updated. |
calendar.event.UpdateProject | Move a calendar event from one project to another | | Attach a file to a chat | | Attach a internal file to a chat | | | | Add members to a chat | | Add users to a chat | | Send a notification that the user canceled typing | | Clear unseen count for chat | | Create a group chat | | Create channel chat | | Delete a message | | Disable a chat for a user | | Download a chat attachment | | Edit a message | | Edit a chat name | | Favorite a message | | Get attachment list | | Get chat | | | | Get favorite list | | Get shared links in a chat | | Get chat list | | Search through chat messages | | Get chat attachments from offset of given message id, until limit | | Get chat messages from offset of given message id, until limit | | Post message to chat | | Request attachment preview | | Remove members from a chat | | Remove users from a chat | | Search through chat messages | | Sends a prompt to a generative AI assistant | | Set the integration attachment for a message | | Set silent for chat | | Send a notification that the user is typing | | Unfavorite a message | | |
chat.message.AddMessageReaction | Add a reaction for a message |
chat.message.DeleteMessageReaction | Delete a reaction for a message |
comment.comment.GetCommentsForItem | |
comment.comment.GetUserCommentedItems | |
comment.comment.LoadCommentItem | |
comment.comment.LoadComments | |
communication.air.CreatePersistentRoom | create a persistent room |
communication.air.GetOrCreatePersistentRoom | Get persistent airtime room |
communication.air.GetPersistentRoom | Get persistent airtime room |
communication.air.ScheduleCall | Schedule an AirTime call | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Add comment to a directory | | Add link to directory | | Add members to dir | | Add a tag on a directory | | Archive a conversation | | Clear unseen count for conversation | | Set silent for conversation | | Copy a directory elsewhere | | Copy a list of directory elsewhere | | Creates a directory | | Creates a directory tree when uploading a folder | | Delete a directory comment | | Get the list of denied directories for a user | | Get the list of denied directories for a user | | Edit a comment of a directory | | Edits members access on one or several directories | | Edits the name of a directory | | Get a directory only given its id | | Get comments of a directory | | Get list of all users having access to given directory | | Get users access of a dir | | | | Remove a property from a directory | | Get the read only state of the directory for the current user | | | | Get file path info | | Link a tag to a directory | | Move directories to a folder | | Move links from one directory to another | | Permanently delete one or more directories | | Delete one or more directories | | Get directory path info | | Creates a project from a directory | | Remove members from dir | | Remove a property from a directory | | Remove a tag on a directory | | Remove a tag on a file using the label | | Restore one or more directories from trash | | Set default access on a directory | | Add a property to a directory | | Toggle a reaction to a comment |
document.entry.DirList | List folders found in a folder |
document.entry.GetProjectTree | Get flat tree for project |
document.entry.GetSharingZipperFileList | |
document.entry.GetZipperFileList | |
document.entry.List | List the files and folders found in a folder |
document.entry.ListServiceEntries | List the service entries of a folder |
document.entry.TrashList | List the files, the link and folders found in the trash |
document.entry.TreeInfo | Retrieve Tree info from directory |
document.file.ActivateSharing | Activate sharing on one file |
document.file.AddComment | Add a file comment |
document.file.AddTag | Add a tag on a file |
document.file.AttachmentIntoDoc | Take an attachment from chat or task and add it to the document module |
document.file.AttachmentIntoVersion | Add attachment as file version |
document.file.CheckConflict | check a file name conflict |
document.file.CheckConflicts | Check conflicts of a specific name in a folder |
document.file.ConversationArchive | Archive a conversation |
document.file.ConversationClearUnseen | Clear unseen count for conversation |
document.file.ConversationSetSilent | Set silent for conversation |
document.file.Copy | Copy a file elsewhere |
document.file.CopyList | Copy a list of file elsewhere |
document.file.CreateFromTemplate | Create a file from a given template |
document.file.DeactivateSharing | Deactivate sharing on one file |
document.file.DeleteComment | Delete a file comment |
document.file.Download | |
document.file.DownloadForPreviewInternal | |
document.file.EditComment | Edit a file comment |
document.file.EditDescription | Edit a file description |
document.file.EditName | Edits the name of a file |
document.file.GetComments | Get the comments of a file |
document.file.GetDownloadToken | |
document.file.GetEvents | Get the historical events of a file |
document.file.GetIPTCMetadata | Get IPTC data for a file |
document.file.GetMetaDataFields | Get all metadata fields for account |
document.file.GetOnlineEditionFileToken | Get file token for editing file online using only office |
document.file.GetProperties | get the properties of a file |
document.file.GetPropertyList | Get the properties associated to the given file |
document.file.GetVersions | Get a file's versions list |
document.file.GuestLink | Get guest link of a file - DEPRECATED - use ActivateSharing |
document.file.IsVersionOf | Checks if a version of a file is on the server (by md5) |
document.file.LinkTag | Link a tag to a file |
document.file.Lock | Used to lock a file. |
document.file.Move | Move files to a folder |
document.file.MoveToGarbageCollector | Permanently delete one or more files |
document.file.MoveToTrash | Delete one or more files |
document.file.NotifyOpen | Warn users that a specific file is being opened |
document.file.PathInfo | Get file path info |
document.file.RemoveProperty | Remove a property from a file |
document.file.RemoveTag | Remove a tag in a file |
document.file.RemoveTagByLabel | Remove a tag in a file using the label |
document.file.Restore | Restore one or more files |
document.file.SetPropertyValue | Set a property to a file |
document.file.ToggleCommentReaction | Toggle a reaction to a comment |
document.file.Unlock | Used to unlock a file. |
document.file.Unversion | Unversion one file |
document.file.Upload | |
document.general_file.GetDownloadToken | |
document.general_file.GetOnlineEditionGeneralFileToken | Get file token for editing external file online using only office |
document.general_file.UploadShared | |
document.service.BringBack | Bring backs a service file back to the wimi (and removes the .html in wimi if it succeeds). Only works with google ATM. |
document.service.CheckToken | Check service token |
document.service.Download | Directly download the document from the service. Only google is supported right now. |
document.service.Edit | Edit (and upload) a file to service. Only google is supported right now. |
document.service.GetEntries | Get service entries |
document.service.ImportEntries | Import service entries |
document.service.LinkDirs | Link directories from service entries |
document.sharing.Activate | Activate sharing on one directory |
document.sharing.AllowInvisibleSub | Allow invisible subdirectories on a shared folder |
document.sharing.AllowUpload | Allow upload on a given shared folder |
document.sharing.Deactivate | Deactivate sharing on one directory |
document.sharing.DisallowInvisibleSub | Disallow invisible subs on a shared folder |
document.sharing.DisallowUpload | Disallow upload on a given shared folder |
document.sharing.ExportAsCsv | Activate sharing on one directory |
document.sharing.RemovePassword | Remove a password of a shared folder |
document.sharing.SetExpirationDate | Set an expiration date for an item |
document.sharing.SetPassword | Set a password for an item |
document.signature.DownloadGeneralFile | Download a signature attachment (general file) |
document.signature.PreviewAttachment | Request attachment preview |
document.signature.SignatureFromAttachment | |
document.signature.SignatureFromExternalFile | Create a file signature from an external file |
document.signature.SignatureFromInternalAttachment | |
document.signature.SignatureFromInternalFile | Create a Signature from an internal (already existent in account) file |
document.template.AddTag | Add a tag on a general file template |
document.template.CreateFromExternalFile | Create a file template from an external file |
document.template.CreateFromInternalFile | |
document.template.LinkTag | Link tag to template |
document.template.ListForAccount | List file templates of account |
document.template.PreviewTemplate | Request template preview |
document.template.RemoveTag | Remove tag from template |
document.template.Restore | Restore trashed file template |
document.template.Trash | Put file template to trash |
document.template.UpdateDescription | Update file template description |
document.template.UpdateName | Update file template name |
document.trash.EmptyTrash | Empty the trash |
document.trash.List | List the files found in the trash given a set of filters |
document.trash.ListDirectories | List the folders found in the trash given a set of filters |
document.trash.ListLinks | List the links found in the trash given a set of filters |
document.trash.RestoreDirectories | Restore one or more directories |
document.trash.RestoreFile | Restore one or more files |
document.trash.RestoreLinks | Restore one or more links |
document.validation.AddTemplateVisaRequest | Add a visa template request |
document.validation.AddVisaRequest | Add a visa request |
document.validation.ApplyFolderValidationToFile | Apply a validation template on a file |
document.validation.CreateFolderTemplateValidation | Create a validation template on a folder |
document.validation.CreateTemplateVisa | Create a template visa |
document.validation.CreateVisa | Create a visa |
document.validation.DeleteFolderTemplateValidation | |
document.validation.ExportAccountValidationssAsXLS | Exports all document validations of the account as XLS |
document.validation.ExportAccountValidationssAsXLSAsyncJob | Exports all document validations of the account as XLS (async job) |
document.validation.ExportMyRequestsAsXLS | Exports all document requests made by the calling user as XLS |
document.validation.ExportMyRequestsAsXLSAsyncJob | Exports all document requests made by the calling user as XLS (ASYNC JOB) |
document.validation.ExportMyValidationAsXLS | Exports all document validation the calling user has access to as XLS |
document.validation.ExportMyValidationAsXLSAsyncJob | |
document.validation.GetFolderTemplateValidation | Create a validation template on a folder |
document.validation.GetVisa | Get a visa for a document |
document.validation.ListTemplateVisa | List the visa templates related to an account |
document.validation.ListVisa | List the visas related to a user |
document.validation.RemindValidator | send a reminder email to a validator |
document.validation.RemoveTemplateVisa | Remove a template visa |
document.validation.RemoveTemplateVisaRequest | Remove a template visa's request |
document.validation.RemoveVisa | Remove a visa |
document.validation.RemoveVisaRequest | Remove a visa's request |
document.validation.ResetResponseStatus | Reset a response for a validator |
document.validation.ToggleTemplateVisaFavorite | Toggle a template visa as favorite |
document.validation.UpdateFolderTemplateValidation | Update a validation template on a folder |
document.validation.UpdateRequestExpiryDate | Update expiry date of a doc validation request |
document.validation.UpdateRequestStatus | Update status of a doc validation request |
document.validation.UpdateRequestValidators | Remove a visa's request |
document.validation.UpdateResponseStatus | Update a response for a validator |
document.validation.UpdateTemplateRequestPeriodicity | Update a template request's duration and periodicity |
document.validation.UpdateTemplateRequestValidators | Update a template request validators |
document.validation.UpdateTemplateVisaDescription | Update a template visa's description |
document.validation.UpdateVisaDescription | Update a visa's description |
gantt.gantt.AddGanttLink | Add a gantt link between two Wimi items |
gantt.gantt.AddGanttLinkBetweenProjects | Add a gantt link between two projects |
gantt.gantt.AddList | Add a list to gantt view |
gantt.gantt.BatchAddList | Add lists to gantt view |
gantt.gantt.BatchRemoveList | Batch remove lists from gantt view |
gantt.gantt.GetGanttLinks | Get all gantt links (between tasks or between lists) for a project |
gantt.gantt.GetGanttProjectIds | Get the project id list of all project that are in gantt |
gantt.gantt.GetUnifiedGanttLinks | Get all gantt links (between tasks or between lists) for all the project of the account |
gantt.gantt.RemoveGanttLink | Remove a gantt link between two items |
gantt.gantt.RemoveGanttLinkBetweenProjects | Remove a gantt link between two items |
gantt.gantt.RemoveList | Remove a list from gantt view |
gantt.gantt.ResetPlanning | Reset the gantt planning for the tasks list and tasks | | Add a link comment | | Add a tag on a link | | Archive a conversation | | Clear unseen count for conversation | | Set silent for conversation | | Copy links from one directory into another | | Delete a link comment | | Edit url and/or title of link | | Edit a link comment | | Get comments of a link | | Get the historical events of a link | | Link a tag to a link | | Get link path info | | Remove a tag in a link | | Remove a tag in a link using the label | | Restore link from trash | | Toggle a reaction to a comment | | Put a list of links to trash |
mail.client.CreateGandiClient | Create a Gandi Client for the specified wimi account |
mail.domain.BuyDomain | Buy a gandi domain |
mail.domain.CreateMailbox | Create a mailbox on the current account main domain |
mail.domain.EditDomainAutoRenew | Edit a domain auto renew status |
mail.domain.FetchDomainAvailability | Query gandi with domain name to check a list of available domain & their data (prices) |
mail.domain.FetchDomainData | Fetch domain metadata |
mail.domain.GetAccountDomains | Get all the gandi domains of the given account |
mail.domain.SynchronizeDomains | Synchronize domains from GANDI & creates them in WIMI if needed |
mail.mailbox.ActivateResponder | Activate the automatic responder for the given mailbox |
mail.mailbox.AddMailboxAlias | Add an alias to a mailbox |
mail.mailbox.AddOwnersToMailbox | Insert given users as owners of the given gandi mailbox |
mail.mailbox.CreateMailbox | Create a mailbox on the current account main domain |
mail.mailbox.DeleteMailbox | Delete a mailbox |
mail.mailbox.DeleteMailboxAlias | Delete an alias for a mailbox |
mail.mailbox.EditAutorenew | Activate autorenew for a mailbox. Implemented in node3 async mode |
mail.mailbox.EditMailboxAlias | Update the aliases for a mailbox |
mail.mailbox.FetchDomainMailboxes | Fetch all the mailboxes associated to the account's main domain. Implemented in node3 async mode |
mail.mailbox.FetchMailboxPackage | Get the mailbox package for an account |
mail.mailbox.FetchMailboxPackageList | Get all the available mailbox packages and the selected one (if any) |
mail.mailbox.FetchMailboxesStorage | Fetch the quota storage on each mailbox of a domain |
mail.mailbox.FetchUserMailboxes | Fetch all the mailboxes associated to the current user. Implemented in node3 async mode |
mail.mailbox.ImportMailboxesFromCSV | Import a csv and create a list of mailboxes |
mail.mailbox.PurgeMailbox | Purge the given mailbox |
mail.mailbox.RemoveMailboxPackage | |
mail.mailbox.RemoveOwnersFromMailbox | Activate the automatic responder for the given mailbox |
mail.mailbox.SetMailboxPackage | Set a mailbox package for an account |
mail.mailbox.UpdateMailbox | |
mail.mailbox.UpdateMailboxPassword | Activate the automatic responder for the given mailbox |
mail.webmail.AddWebmailAccount | |
mail.webmail.DeleteWebmailAccount | |
mail.webmail.GenerateICSEvent | Generate an ics file from the data |
mail.webmail.GetConnectedWebmail | |
mail.webmail.GetWebmailAccountList | |
mail.webmail.SendWebmailAction | |
mail.webmail.SetConnectionStatus | |
mail.webmail.UpdateWebmailAccount | |
main.account.AcceptUniversignGcu | Accept the Universign GCU (General Conditions of Use) for the account. |
main.account.ActivateCustomDepartmentList | Activate the custom department list; this means the custom list will be used instead of the default one |
main.account.ActivateUsers | Activate list of users |
main.account.AddCreditCard | |
main.account.AddCustomDepartmentItem | Add a new item to account custom department list |
main.account.AddUser | Add a user |
main.account.BatchUpdateUsersRole | Batch update role for user list |
main.account.DeactivateCustomDepartmentList | Deactivate the custom department list; this means the default list will be used instead of the custom one |
main.account.DeactivateUsers | Deactivate list of users |
main.account.DeleteAccount | Delete the account |
main.account.DeleteCustomDepartmentItem | Delete a custom item |
main.account.DeleteUsers | Delete list of users permanently |
main.account.EditCategory | Edit a category |
main.account.EditUser | Edit a user |
main.account.ExportProjectsDiskUsageAsCsv | Export the projects disk usage for the account as a CSV file |
main.account.ExportUsers | Export users in a file |
main.account.ExportUsersRights | Export users rights in a file |
main.account.GenerateAPIKey | Generate an API Key for the current account |
main.account.Get | Get account info |
main.account.GetAccountExternalInfo | Get external information for an account |
main.account.GetAccountPayingServices | Get the account paying services (available & selected with metadata) |
main.account.GetAccountSignaturePackages | Get the account signature package list |
main.account.GetActivityRelatedRequestList | Get wapi routes that should update the activity unread counter |
main.account.GetAllAvailableUsers | Get all available users. Which mean a status will be returned. |
main.account.GetBillingInfo | |
main.account.GetCalendars | Get the calendars of a user |
main.account.GetCategories | Get categories of a user |
main.account.GetCountryStateCode | Retrieve big object containing country & state ISO-3166-1&2 code |
main.account.GetCurrentSignaturePackage | Get the current signature package |
main.account.GetCustomDepartmentList | Get the account custom department list |
main.account.GetDepartmentList | Get the list of department for the account |
main.account.GetDocumentNodeCount | Return document nodes count |
main.account.GetListOfUsersSharingSameProjects | Get list of users sharing the same projects |
main.account.GetMemberListProjectsAuth | Get list of privileges on projects for a member list |
main.account.GetMemberProjectsAuth | Get list of privileges on projects for a member |
main.account.GetNotificationSettings | get account notification settings (enabled/disabled) |
main.account.GetProject | Get a user project |
main.account.GetProjectDocumentSize | Get a user project document size |
main.account.GetProjectTemplates | Get the project templates for that account |
main.account.GetProjects | Get projects of a user |
main.account.GetProjectsStats | Get projects stats for user available projects |
main.account.GetServiceUsers | Get the users of the given service and format the output to correspond the ones of Wimi |
main.account.GetSettings | Get settings for the account |
main.account.GetTutorialInfo | Return the necessary info to display the welcome tutorial |
main.account.GetUniversignGcuAcceptanceStatus | Get the status of Universign GCU (General Conditions of Use) acceptance for the requested account |
main.account.GetUser | Get a user |
main.account.GetUserProjectsAuth | Get list of privileges on projects for a user |
main.account.GetUsers | Get all users |
main.account.ImportUsersFromCSV | Import users from csv |
main.account.ListProperties | Get all the account properties |
main.account.ListUnconnectedUsers | |
main.account.MoveCustomDepartmentItem | Move a custom item to given position |
main.account.PayingServicesAddEntity | Add an entity of debit_type to the selected paying service |
main.account.RegenerateGeneralPassword | Regenerate the password of the Wimi Backup user of this account |
main.account.RemoveAPIKey | Remove an API Key for the current account |
main.account.RemoveCreditCard | |
main.account.SelfDeactivate | Deactivate the current user |
main.account.SendSmsToUserList | Send Custom Sms to given user id list |
main.account.SendUserListInvitation | Send invitation to given user id list |
main.account.SetBillingInfo | Set billing info of account |
main.account.SetNotificationSettings | Set account notification settings |
main.account.SetOnBoardingInfo | Set the on boarding info for the account |
main.account.SetSettings | Set settings for the account |
main.account.SetUISetting | Customization - set ui settings |
main.account.SetWelcomeActivity | Set welcome activity |
main.account.ShouldPerformPayment | |
main.account.SubscribeToSignaturePackage | Subscribe to a signature package |
main.account.ToggleSupportInterventionAuthorization | Toggle support intervention authorization on account |
main.account.ToggleThirdPartyService | Enable/Disable a third party service for the account |
main.account.UnsubscribeToSignaturePackage | Subscribe to a signature package |
main.account.UpdateCustomDepartmentItem | Add a new item to account custom department list |
main.account.UpdateProperty | |
main.appli.GetWebappVersion | Get the webapp version | | Add a member to a group | | Add a tag on a user group | | Batch add members to a group | | Create a user group | | Delete a user group | | Edit a user group | | Edit a group creation user | | Link a tag to a group | | List the user group of this account | | Remove a member from a group | | Remove a tag in a user group | | Remove a tag in a user group using the label |
main.personalizedentry.AddChoice | add a choice to a personalized entry of type qcu / qcm |
main.personalizedentry.BatchUpdateEntryAccess | Insert object access for specified entry (workspace/users) |
main.personalizedentry.BatchUpdateEntryProjectAuth | change entry access to workspace (module) |
main.personalizedentry.Create | create a personalized entry |
main.personalizedentry.DeleteChoice | remove a choice |
main.personalizedentry.DeleteEntries | Batch delete entries |
main.personalizedentry.GetEntryGlobalAccess | get workspace / module access of an entry |
main.personalizedentry.GetItemEntries | Get item entries and their value |
main.personalizedentry.GetPersonalizedEntries | get a personalized entry |
main.personalizedentry.GetPersonalizedEntriesForObject | get a personalized entries for users |
main.personalizedentry.GetWorkspaceEntryAccess | get specific workspace / module access of an entry |
main.personalizedentry.MoveChoice | Move a choice to another position |
main.personalizedentry.MoveEntry | Move a choice to another position |
main.personalizedentry.RenameChoice | add a choice to a personalized entry of type qcu / qcm |
main.personalizedentry.SetEntryValue | Set value for the specified entry |
main.personalizedentry.UpdateName | Update name of an entry |
main.project.ActivateModules | |
main.project.AddDefaultReminder | |
main.project.AddTag | |
main.project.Archive | |
main.project.BatchSetUsersAuth | |
main.project.ChangedProjects | |
main.project.Create | |
main.project.CreateDefaultProject | |
main.project.CreateFromTemplate | |
main.project.DeactivateModules | |
main.project.Delete | |
main.project.DeleteDefaultReminder | |
main.project.GetProjectTagCountInFamily | |
main.project.GetPropertyList | |
main.project.GetTemplateList | |
main.project.GetTree | |
main.project.GetUsersAuth | |
main.project.GetUsersList | |
main.project.GetVirtualPathList | |
main.project.IsServiceAvailableForProject | |
main.project.LinkTag | |
main.project.LockProjectTree | |
main.project.RemoveProperty | |
main.project.RemoveTag | |
main.project.RemoveTagByLabel | |
main.project.RemoveTagFamilyRestriction | |
main.project.RemoveUserGroups | |
main.project.RemoveUsers | |
main.project.ReplaceUser | |
main.project.Restore | |
main.project.SetDriveSync | |
main.project.SetMemberAuth | |
main.project.SetPropertyValue | |
main.project.SetTagFamilyRestriction | |
main.project.SetUserAuth | |
main.project.SetUserGroupAuth | |
main.project.UnlockProjectTree | |
main.project.Update | |
main.project.UpdateDefaultModule | |
main.project.UpdateDefaultReminder | |
main.saml.CreateServiceToken | Create a token that can be used by an external service to create a limited access token for that user |
main.saml.GetAccountList | Get a list of account associated to the user linked to the given access token | | Add search to recent search user history | | Clear search history for specified user | | Get user recent search history | | Search items in the wimi with a query | | | | | | Ask for the next X results from Wimi's global search | | Search items in the wimi with a query | | Search through projects in the wimi with a query |
main.session.Load | Load some info about the session |
main.session.LoadExtra | Load some info about the session |
main.session.LoadProjects | Getting all projects the user has access to and their information |
main.session.LoadUsers | Getting all users the user can see and their information |
main.session.Ping | Ping |
main.tag.AddTagsToFamilies | Add a list of tags to a list of tag families |
main.tag.BatchMergeTags | merge several tags into another |
main.tag.BatchRemove | remove several tags |
main.tag.ChangeColor | Change the color of a tag |
main.tag.Create | create a tag |
main.tag.CreateFamily | create a family tag |
main.tag.Get | get a tag |
main.tag.GetAll | get all tags for this account |
main.tag.GetByLabel | get a tag by its label |
main.tag.GetFamilyTags | get a family tag |
main.tag.GetStats | |
main.tag.ImportFromCSV | Import tags from csv |
main.tag.MergeTags | merge one tag into another |
main.tag.Remove | remove a tag (globally) |
main.tag.RemoveFamilyTag | remove a family tag tag |
main.tag.RemoveTagsFromFamily | Remove a list of tags from a family |
main.tag.Rename | |
main.tag.UpdateFamily | update a family tag |
main.user.AddTag | Add a tag on a user |
main.user.BatchLinkTag | Link a tag to a list of user |
main.user.BatchRemoveTag | Remove a tag in a list of users |
main.user.BatchUpdateProperty | |
main.user.BequeathUsers | |
main.user.CreateLimitedTokenForService | Create a token with restricted accesses for a specific service |
main.user.CreateServiceToken | Create a token that can be used by an external service to create a limited access token for that user |
main.user.DeleteServiceToken | Delete a user service token |
main.user.EditAvatar | Update the avatar of a user |
main.user.GetCaldavSyncSettings | Get Caldav synchronization settings |
main.user.GetGlobalStatus | Get global status of a user. |
main.user.GetKnownUsersId | Return the id list of all the users knows |
main.user.GetNeoInfos | |
main.user.GetNotificationSettings | get user notification settings (enabled/disabled) |
main.user.GetRelativeUsersId | Return the id list of all the users that have at least one project in common with the acting user |
main.user.GetSelf | Get self user |
main.user.GetUserServicesInfo | Get third party services info for a user |
main.user.LinkTag | Link a tag to a user |
main.user.ListProperties | Get all the user properties |
main.user.RemoveProperty | Remove a property for the user |
main.user.RemoveTag | Remove a tag in a user |
main.user.RemoveTagByLabel | Remove a tag in a user using the label |
main.user.RevokeService | Revoke a third party service for a user |
main.user.SetNotificationSettings | set user notification settings (enabled/disabled) |
main.user.SetProjectCaldavSync | Set Caldav synchronization for a project |
main.user.SetStatus | Set the status of the user. Status is linked to the session_id. |
main.user.SetUserLanguage | Set a user language |
main.user.SetUserStatus | Set the status of the user. |
main.user.ToggleSignatureRequest | |
main.user.Update | Update the user information |
main.user.UpdateProperty | |
main.util.GetSpecificTrad | Get specific trad in specific lang |
meeting.meeting.Add | Add a meeting |
meeting.meeting.AddDates | Add dates to a meeting |
meeting.meeting.AddExternalParticipants | Add external participants to a meeting |
meeting.meeting.AddInternalParticipants | Add internal participants to a meeting |
meeting.meeting.Delete | Delete a meeting |
meeting.meeting.Edit | Edit a meeting |
meeting.meeting.FixDate | Fix a date |
meeting.meeting.Get | Get a meeting |
meeting.meeting.GetList | Get meetings |
meeting.meeting.RemoveParticipants | Remove participants from a meeting |
meeting.meeting.UnfixDate | Unfix a date |
meeting.meeting.UpdateStatus | Add external users to a meeting |
poll.poll.Vote | Vote for a poll |
reporting.task.Burndown | Get burndown |
reporting.task.Load | Load all stats |
reporting.task.Performance | Get performance |
reporting.task.Status | Get status |
reporting.task.Tags | Get tags |
reporting.task.Workload | Get workload |
sharing.sharing.Download | Download a file from a sharing folder |
sharing.sharing.DownloadFile | Download a file from a sharing file |
sharing.sharing.DownloadFileFromSharedFolder | Download a file from a shared folder |
sharing.sharing.DownloadGeneralFile | Download a file from a sharing file |
sharing.sharing.Folder | List entries of folder |
sharing.sharing.Load | Get information required to load sharing doc page |
sharing.sharing.LoadFile | Get information required to load file sharing page |
sharing.sharing.LoadGeneralFile | Get information required to load general file sharing page |
sharing.sharing.RequestLinkPreview | |
sharing.sharing.Upload | Upload a file via a sharing folder | | Archive a community | | Create a community | | Delete a community | | Get the list of archived community for a user | | Get a list of community member auth | | Get the list of community for a user to discover | | Get the list of favorite post | | Get the list of community for a user | | Get a list of pinned post for a community | | Get a list of post | | Get a list of recent post for a community list | | Get a list of unseen activity | | Publish into a community | | Remove a member from the community | | Force subscription of a member from the community | | Subscribe to a community | | Toggle favorite for a community | | Unarchive a community | | Unsubscribe from a community | | Update a community | | Update (add or create) the list of auth for a community | | Update a community avatar | | Update a community background cover | | Update a post | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
task.filter.Add | Adds a filter on tasks to the project or on unified tasks |
task.filter.Apply | Apply a filter on the tasks of the given projects |
task.filter.Delete | Delete a filter |
task.filter.Edit | Edits a filter on tasks |
task.filter.Get | Get a tasks filter |
task.filter.GetUsersStats | Get user stats for filtered tasks |
task.filter.List | List tasks filters |
task.filter.ListUnified | List unified tasks filters |
task.subtask.AddOwners | Add Owner to a subtask |
task.subtask.ChangeStatus | Change status of a subtask |
task.subtask.Create | Create a subtask for the given task |
task.subtask.Delete | Delete a subtask |
task.subtask.Move | Move a subtask to another position (and/or task) |
task.subtask.RemoveOwners | Add Owner to a subtask |
task.subtask.Update | Update a subtask |
task.task.AddBatchOwner | Get all tasks of a list |
task.task.AddComment | Add a comment to a task |
task.task.AddExternalAttachment | Attach an external file to a task |
task.task.AddExternalAttachmentFromTemplate | Attach an external file to a task, from a template |
task.task.AddReminder | Add a reminder for a task |
task.task.AddTag | Add a tag in a task |
task.task.AddWimiAttachment | Attach a wimi file to a task |
task.task.BatchDelete | Delete a batch of tasks |
task.task.BatchDuplicate | Copy a batch of tasks |
task.task.BatchLinkTag | Link a tag to a list of tasks |
task.task.BatchMove | Move a batch of tasks to a position |
task.task.BatchMoveAfter | Move a batch of tasks after another |
task.task.BatchRemoveTag | Remove a tag in list of tasks |
task.task.ChangeStatus | Change the status of a given task |
task.task.ChangeStatusBulk | Change the status of several tasks |
task.task.ConversationArchive | Archive conversation |
task.task.ConversationClearUnseen | Clear unseen count for conversation |
task.task.ConversationSetSilent | Set silent for conversation |
task.task.Create | Create a task |
task.task.Delete | Delete a task |
task.task.DeleteComment | Delete a task comment |
task.task.DeleteDates | Delete Dates from a Task |
task.task.DisableRecurrence | Disable a recurrence for a task |
task.task.DownloadAttachment | Attach a file to a task |
task.task.Duplicate | Copy a task |
task.task.EditComment | Edit a comment of a task |
task.task.Follow | Add self as follower to this task |
task.task.GenerateNextOccurrence | Generate the next occurrence of a task |
task.task.GenerateWOGeneralFile | create an external file to a task |
task.task.Get | Get a task with all its data |
task.task.GetAll | Get all tasks of a list |
task.task.GetAttachmentList | Get the list of files attached to a task |
task.task.GetComments | Get tge comments of a task |
task.task.GetNbNotCompletedForProject | Get the total amount of not completed tasks for the given project |
task.task.History | Get a task history |
task.task.LinkTag | Link a tag to a task |
task.task.Move | Move a task to new position |
task.task.MoveAfter | Move a task after another |
task.task.PreviewAttachment | Request attachment preview |
task.task.Relocate | Relocate a task in an other project |
task.task.RemoveBatchOwners | Get all tasks of a list |
task.task.RemoveExternalAttachment | remove an external attachment from the task |
task.task.RemoveReminder | Remove a reminder for a task |
task.task.RemoveTag | Remove a tag in a task |
task.task.RemoveTagByLabel | Remove a tag in a task using the label |
task.task.RemoveWimiAttachment | Remove a wimi attachment from a task |
task.task.SendReminder | send a reminder to the owners of a task |
task.task.SetRecurrence | Set or update a recurrence for the given task |
task.task.ToggleCommentReaction | Toggle a reaction to a comment |
task.task.ToggleDefaultOverdueAlert | Add or remove the default overdue alert for a task |
task.task.Unfollow | Remove self as follower from this task |
task.task.Update | Update a task |
task.tlist.AddLink | Create a link between 2 lists given a specific relation type |
task.tlist.BatchSetHidden | Set the tasks lists the user does not want to display |
task.tlist.ChangeLine | Change line in gantt view |
task.tlist.Copy | |
task.tlist.Create | Create a task list |
task.tlist.Dashboard | Get all necessary data for displaying the tasks module dashboard |
task.tlist.DashboardGlobal | Get all necessary data for displaying the tasks module dashboard Same as dashboard but for a user, not a project |
task.tlist.Delete | Delete a task list |
task.tlist.ExportAsCSV | Exports all tasks and lists of a project as csv |
task.tlist.ExportAsXLS | Exports all tasks and lists of a project as XLS |
task.tlist.ExportFilteredAsXLS | Exports all tasks and lists as csv given filter options |
task.tlist.ExportFilteredAsXLSAsync | Exports all tasks and lists as csv given filter options, given through a shared link later |
task.tlist.Follow | Add self as follower to this list |
task.tlist.GetAcceptedTasks | Get all Tasks that are accepted |
task.tlist.GetAll | Returns all tasks lists of a project |
task.tlist.GetInfo | Get task list general informations |
task.tlist.GetList | Returns a task list with its stats |
task.tlist.ImportFromCSV | Import tasks and lists from csv |
task.tlist.ImportFromXLS | Import tasks and lists from xls |
task.tlist.Move | Move a task list |
task.tlist.RemoveLink | Remove link between 2 lists |
task.tlist.Unfollow | Remove self as follower from this list |
task.tlist.Update | Update a task list |
task.tlist.UpdateDates | |
task.tlist.UpdateExcludeAcceptedTask | |
task.trash.List | List all trashed tasks lists and their tasks (also trashed) |
Consumes a consumable session token to get a permanent one
Will throw and register in bouncer on failure
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "auth.user.GetSessionToken", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "consumable_token": "mylabel1" } } }
Used to login a user and retrieve an access token
The account must be valid and the user must be activated
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "auth.user.Login", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "list_projects": true, "projects_auth": true, "projects_stats": true, "projects_tasks_stats": true, "projects_users": true, "manual": true, "token": "some text", "csrf_security": true, "fetch_pwd_sha": true } } }
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "auth.user.Logout", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "keep_self": true, "kill_all": true } } }
Clear the activity unread count
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.ClearUnreadCount", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
export the list of activity events in a CSV file
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.ExportAsCSV", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": { "min_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "max_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "type_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "csv_delimiter": "some text", "csv_enclosure": "some text", "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "filter": "some text", "with_account_event": true } } }
export the list of activity events in a CSV file, given through a shared link later
link is sent by email
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.ExportAsCSVAsync", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": { "min_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "max_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "type_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "csv_delimiter": "some text", "csv_enclosure": "some text", "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "filter": "some text", "with_account_event": true } } }
Get a list of activity events
Get a list of activity events based on the given parameters
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.GetList", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": { "min_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "max_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "limit": 12345, "offset": 12345, "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "filter": "some text", "with_account_event": true, "with_deleted_or_archived_projects": true, "type_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } } }
Ask for the next X results from events
If we are only displaying the first 100 results, this request should return the next 100 results, etc...
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.GetNextList", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": { "min_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "max_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "limit": 12345, "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "filter": "some text", "with_account_event": true, "type_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "current_result_count": 12345, "with_deleted_or_archived_projects": true } } }
Get a list of activity events notified for the contexted user
Get a list of activity events notified for the contexted user
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.GetNotifications", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "limit": 12345 } } }
Get unread event count by projects
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.GetUnreadCount", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "limit": 12345 } } }
Used to generate push message
Push is sent when we generate an event for an item
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.NewEvent", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Used to generate push message
Push is sent when we generate a list of event for an item
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "activity.event.NewEventList", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "armoured.armoured.GetEncryptionSessionForItem", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "item": { "item_type_id": "3", "item_id": "12345" } } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Add a comment to a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddComment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "comment": "some text" } } }
Attach an external file to a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddExternalAttachment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "file_timestamp": "some text", "name": "some text", "size": 12345 } } }
Attach an external file to a calendar event, from a template
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddExternalAttachmentFromTemplate", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "file_template_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "name": "some text" } } }
Add external participant for a specific event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddExternalParticipants", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "external_user_list": [ { "email": "", "first_name": "first_name1", "last_name": "last_name1" }, { "email": "", "first_name": "first_name2", "last_name": "last_name2" } ] } } }
Add user to subscription agenda list, it will create token if it not already exist
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddSubscriptionLink", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Add a tag to a Calendar Event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddTag", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "label": "mylabel1" } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Add user to subscription agenda list, it will create token if it not already exist on unified view
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddUnifiedSubscriptionLink", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Attach a wimi file to a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.AddWimiAttachment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "file_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Change Status of Agenda Event Participant. Accept / Refuse invite to an event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.ChangeInviteStatus", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "status": 12345 } } }
Archive a conversation
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.ConversationArchive", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Clear unseen count for conversation
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.ConversationClearUnseen", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Set silent for conversation
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.ConversationSetSilent", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "silent": true, "silent_until": "2016-11-27 17:10:05" } } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.CopyEventList", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": { "recurrence_id_list": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } } }
Create a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.Create", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "event": "no example yet" } } }
Delete a calendar event comment
Mark the message as deleted, does not delete it entirely
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.DeleteComment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "comment_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get calendar subscription link for unified projects
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.DeleteSubscription", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "user_id": 12345 } } }
Get calendar subscription link for unified projects
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.DeleteSubscriptionUnified", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "user_id": 12345 } } }
Download a calendar event attachment
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.DownloadAttachment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "attachment_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Edit a comment of a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.EditComment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "comment_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "comment": "some text" } } }
create an external file to a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GenerateWOGeneralFile", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "name": "some text", "file_format": "some text" } } }
Get the details of a calendar events
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.Get", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
get the list of files attached to a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetAttachmentList", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get teh comments of a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetComments", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Download the ics for a specific event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetDownloadInviteLink", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get external participant for a specific event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetExternalParticipants", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get a list of events
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetList", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "start_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "end_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "filters": [ 12345, 12346 ], "view_busy": true, "busy_user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "view_empty_events": true, "calendar_event_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "gen_rec_occurrences": true, "modified_after": 12345 } } }
Get a list of events for unified calendars
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetListUnified", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "start_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "end_date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "filters": [ 12345, 12346 ], "project_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ], "gen_rec_occurrences": true, "view_empty_events": true } } }
Get a calendar subscription link
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetSubscriptionLink", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get calendar subscription link for unified projects
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetUnifiedSubscriptionLink", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get calendar subscription link for projects
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetUserSubscriptionList", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get calendar subscription link for unified calendar
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.GetUserSubscriptionListUnified", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Link a tag to a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.LinkTag", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "tag_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Request attachment preview
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.PreviewAttachment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "attachment_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "preview_type": "some text" } } }
Delete a calendar event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.Remove", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
remove an external attachment from the calendar
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.RemoveExternalAttachment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "attachment_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Remove external participant for a specific event
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.RemoveExternalParticipants", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "external_user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } } }
Delete a recurrence occurrence
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.RemoveRecurrenceOccurrence", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "recurrence_id": "2016-11-27 17:10:05" } } }
Remove a tag in a task
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.RemoveTag", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "tag_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
remove a wimi attachment from the calendar
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.RemoveWimiAttachment", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "attachment_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Toggle a reaction to a comment
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.ToggleCommentReaction", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "comment_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "reaction": "some text", "active": true } } }
Update a calendar event - only the provided data are updated.
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.Update", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "event": "no example yet" } } }
Move a calendar event from one project to another
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
Read-only (1) | Read-write (2) |
X |
{ "header": { "target": "calendar.event.UpdateProject", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "calendar_event_id": 12345, "target_project_id": 12346 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Attach a file to a chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "attachment_title": "some text", "attachment_description": "some text", "name": "some text", "size": 12345 } } }
Attach a internal file to a chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "file_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "file_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Add members to a chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "member_id_list": [ { "member_type_id": 1, "member_id": 12345 }, { "member_type_id": 2, "member_id": 12345 } ] } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Add users to a chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Send a notification that the user canceled typing
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Clear unseen count for chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "delay_notifications": true } } }
Create a group chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "users": [ 12345, 12346 ], "user_groups": [ 12345, 12346 ], "name": "some text", "use_existing": true, "force_creation": true } } }
Create channel chat
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Delete a message
Mark the message as deleted, does not delete it entirely
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "message_index": 12345 } } }
Disable a chat for a user
Remove the chat from the recent chats
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Download a chat attachment
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "file_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Edit a message
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "message": "some text", "message_index": 12345 } } }
Edit a chat name
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "name": "some text" } } }
Favorite a message
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "message_index": 12345 } } }
Get attachment list
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "limit": 12345 } } }
Get chat
with or without messages, default with
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "with_messages": true, "limit": 12345 } } }
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get favorite list
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get shared links in a chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Get chat list
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "comment_count": true, "offset": 12345, "limit": 12345, "chat": true, "channel": true } } }
Search through chat messages
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "message_index": 12345 } } }
Get chat attachments from offset of given message id, until limit
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "limit": 12345 } } }
Get chat messages from offset of given message id, until limit
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "offset": 12345, "limit": 12345 } } }
Post message to chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "message": "some text", "integration_attachment": "no example yet" } } }
Request attachment preview
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "preview_type": "some text" } } }
Remove members from a chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "member_id_list": [ { "member_type_id": 1, "member_id": 12345 }, { "member_type_id": 2, "member_id": 12345 } ] } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Remove users from a chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Search through chat messages
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "search": "some text" } } }
Sends a prompt to a generative AI assistant
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "prompt": "some text", "neo_id": 12345, "with_context": true } } }
Set the integration attachment for a message
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "integration_attachment": "no example yet" } } }
Set silent for chat
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "silent": true, "silent_until": "2016-11-27 17:10:05" } } }
Send a notification that the user is typing
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Unfavorite a message
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "message_index": 12345 } } }
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "name": "some text", "size": 12345 } } }
Add a reaction for a message
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "chat.message.AddMessageReaction", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "reaction": "copyright" } } }
Delete a reaction for a message
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "chat.message.DeleteMessageReaction", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "chat_id": 12345, "message_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "reaction": "copyright" } } }
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "comment.comment.GetCommentsForItem", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "item_id": 12345, "item_type_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "comment.comment.GetUserCommentedItems", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "calendar": true, "documents": true, "tasks": true, "offset": 12345, "limit": 12345 } } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "comment.comment.LoadCommentItem", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "item": { "item_type_id": "3", "item_id": "12345" } } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "comment.comment.LoadComments", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "item": { "item_type_id": "3", "item_id": "12345" } } }, "body": { "data": { "limit": 12345 } } }
create a persistent room
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "communication.air.CreatePersistentRoom", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "name": "mylabel1", "image": 12345, "scope": 12345 } } }
Get persistent airtime room
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "communication.air.GetOrCreatePersistentRoom", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "room_id": 12345, "community_id": 12345 } } }
Get persistent airtime room
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "communication.air.GetPersistentRoom", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "room_id": 12345 } } }
Schedule an AirTime call
Sends an invitation email to all participants
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "communication.air.ScheduleCall", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "user_id_list": [ 12345, 12346 ] } }, "body": { "data": { "title": "some text", "description": "some text", "date": "2016-11-27 17:10:05", "duration": 12345, "room": "some text", "reminders": "no example yet", "external_participants": [ { "email": "", "first_name": "first_name1", "last_name": "last_name1" }, { "email": "", "first_name": "first_name2", "last_name": "last_name2" } ], "should_notify": true } } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
X | X |
Guests (-5) | Contributors (0) | Managers (1) | Administrators (2) | Account manager (3) |
X | X | X | X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Add comment to a directory
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
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X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "dir_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "comment": "some text" } } }
Add link to directory
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
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X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": { "url": "mylabel1", "title": "mylabel1" } } }
Add members to dir
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Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
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X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "dir_id": 12345, "group_member_list": [ { "member_type_id": 1, "member_id": 12345 }, { "member_type_id": 2, "member_id": 12345 } ] } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Add a tag on a directory
Project members (0) | Project administrators (5) |
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X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "dir_id": 12345, "label": "mylabel1" } }, "body": { "data": {} } }
Archive a conversation
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X | X |
{ "header": { "target": "", "api_version": "1.2", "app_token": "You can generate one from your account settings", "msg_key": "message key also returned in the response", "token": "user session token returned by auth.user.Login", "identification": { "account_id": 12345, "user_id": 12345, "project_id": 12345, "dir_id": 12345 } }, "body": { "data": {} } }